Sunday 26 June 2011

Evidence of Ancient Electrical Devices Found in the Great Pyramid

New images from inside the Great Pyramid shaft reveal evidence of electrical terminals, cables and even ancient wiring diagrams!
The discovery of electrical contacts and wiring inside the Great Pyramid, along with markings that show how to connect them, do not fit anywhere in conventional Egyptology but confirm the theory first published in my book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt in 1998.
Only this theory has ever made such predictions, and every robot explorer they send up the shafts finds more and more evidence to prove that the theory is correct.
Background and details follow:
The Great Pyramid has long been a source of mystery for the world. Specialists and lay people alike have been drawn to what it might tell us about our ancient past, with a variety of theories being offered for consideration. While there are over a hundred pyramids in Egypt, the majority of them, while important and significant themselves, seem all to be cast in the shadow of the Great. What is it about this pyramid that makes it so GREAT?
Going back as far as the 17 century, there are accounts of numerous explorations into the Great Pyramid that have yielded significant new details of the structure. In more recent times, a flurry of excitement has surrounded the mystery of a small shaft discovered in 1872 in the wall of the Queen’s Chamber. This shaft did not connect to the chamber and was discovered after a rod was pushed into a small crack in the wall and, after meeting no resistance, prompted Waynman Dixon, a British explorer, to have the limestone chiseled away revealing a square opening that measured 20.32 cm (8.00 in) wide and 22.35 cm (8.8 in) high. A similar shaft was subsequently found in the north wall.
In 1993, a German robotics engineer, Rudolph Gantenbrink, on contract to install ventilation fans in the King’s Chamber shafts after cleaning the debris using a robot, proposed that he use his robot, named “Upuaut II”, meaning “opener of the ways”, to explore the Southern Shaft in the Queen’s Chamber to coax from the depths of pyramid more of its secrets. While the exits from the shafts from the King’s Chamber are found on the outside of the pyramid, no exit has ever been found for either of the Queen’s Chamber shafts.
Because of the machine like technical appearance of the Great Pyramid and the precision with which it was built, in 1977, I began developing a theory that the original function of the Great Pyramid was not a tomb but a power plant. Within the context of the power plant, all its attributes and anomalous features that other theories were unable to explain without resorting to symbolism, found a practical answer. The Queen’s Chamber, I proposed, served as a reaction chamber and the shafts leading to this chamber supplied two chemicals that when mixed together created hydrogen. In 1993 I was viewing the exploration byGantenbrink and when Upuaut II came to the end of the shaft, what is now famously known as Gantenbrink’s “door” came into view with two metal pins attached.
Jeff Summer, a friend with whom I was watching the video, immediately claimed that they looked like electrodes. This made sense to me for in order to maintain the head pressure in the shafts, they had to be kept full and the electrodes would serve as a switch to signal replenishment. In 1998, my book, The Giza Power Plant, was published incorporating this theory.

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